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Key Stage 3 Music Homework - Year 7
You are expected to complete 60 minutes of music homework each month. Within your music lessons, you are expected to complete short knowledge organiser tests. You will receive a numerical mark for this in the lesson at the appropriate point in the module (usually at the end of the module). Follow the homework timetable for your class and when music is listed, spend the time revising the key words. Use the knowledge organiser to help you.
Key Stage 3 Music Homework – Year 8
You are expected to complete 60 minutes of music homework each month. Within your music lessons, you are expected to complete short knowledge organiser tests. You will receive a numerical mark for this in the lesson at the appropriate point in the module (usually at the end of the module). Follow the homework timetable for your class and when music is listed, spend the time revising the key words. Use the knowledge organiser to help you.
Key Stage 3 Music Homework – Year 9
You are expected to complete 60 minutes of music homework each month. Within your music lessons, you are expected to complete short knowledge organiser tests. You will receive a numerical mark for this in the lesson at the appropriate point in the module (usually at the end of the module). Follow the homework timetable for your class and when music is listed, spend the time revising the key words. Use the knowledge organiser to help you.
Key Stage 4 Music Homework – Year 10
Students are expected to use their weekly 60 minutes to work on any composition work or revision of the areas of study. Any additional tasks over and above this will be communicated via student email. Student instrument/vocal practice should be over and above this timed expectation. They should also be completing their performance diary regularly. Students are welcome to attend the keyboard club on a Monday lunchtime to assist with their performance work.
Key Stage 4 Music Homework – Year 11
Students are expected to use their weekly 60 minutes to work on composition – free composition and the set brief by the examination board. Student instrument/vocal practice should be over and above this timed expectation. Any additional tasks over and above this will be communicated via student email. They should also be completing their performance diary regularly. Once the coursework and performance aspects of the course are completed (Easter) then students should use their time to revise the four areas of study and the two-set works. The supplied revision guide will also assist with this task. Students are welcome to attend the drop in session on a Friday lunchtime to assist with any aspect of their work.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9